Monday, September 15, 2014

The Right Mindset

When I was in my first trimester pregnancy with my first born, on the initial check up at the government clinic, I was asked by a nurse: 'Do you plan to breastfeed? If yes, niatkan (say you wish - not necessarily to voice it). Through my experience, those who did niat during their first few months are very likely to succeed compared to those who are not or those who do so at later stage.'

Creating a mindset that I could do it.

One of my favourite reality shows are the battle faced to loose weight. The participants will be guided to lead a healthier lifestyle to ensure their success even after the show is over. There are also show to revisit the participant few years after the program.

Another reality shows are home make over or clean house make over. The participant house will be redesigned or cleaned. Similar to the weight loose program, the sequel program will visit the participant house few years later to see the latest development.

In those reality programs, the battle to loose weight was won but to maintain it is another battle that plenty of the participants did not achieve. The home make over or clean home show also captured living areas which was not as what it was after the success to turn it to the pleasing condition.

These shows that you could lead the horse to the water but you can't make it to drink the water. Even with the right guidance from those with great influence, it is not the ultimate condition for one to excel. 

A person has to be in the mindset to want to change and to want to succeed.

Being able to have a right financial mind is still a battle to me. I am still praying I would eventually make a right decision with my hard earn money and the right decision becomes second nature. I could do it with minimal advertisement influence, without any distraction from my young ones and make it a habit as something di bawah minda sedar (unconsciously making the decision as it has become a habit).

Brewing the right mindset is part of a journey toward a better financial shape. I still need those financial books to act as motivators.

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