Sunday, December 23, 2012

Missing: Part 1

Alhamdulillah, tahlil telah selamat diadakan pada hari Rabu, 15 November 2012 - malam maal hijrah 1434.

Yes, his remaining was not found. However, with guidance from Allah, the tahlil was held.

*I am writing this partly to express my gratitude for those who involved directly or indirectly during the 1 week search beside providing tale from my point of view to his mysterious disappearance and to remind myself on what happened and how it affected me, the family and people around us. Further, the occasion made me want to reflect our life together.*

Bagi mereka yang cukup lama mengenali saya, mereka akan tahu keadaan Kareem (I could not bring myself to say arwah even to this date. His body was not found! would it be right to regard him as arwah?), seorang insan yang istimewa. Bila sebut istimewa, perkara pertama terlintas di fikiran ialah tidak normal atau kelainan upaya. Yes he is that and more. Dia istimewa kerana dia '3suku' (mentally retarded) dan dia juga terlibat dalam dunia lain selain manusia.

As a child, his mental ability do not reach the level as it should. However Alhamdulillah, physically he became a well man. During his school years mainly primary school until he turned 14, his teacher found him as a boy who is easy to handle compared to his peers. He was appointed as prefect, a leader among those special children. Transition to secondary school was not an easy ride for him, mostly faced by them as at this point of life as this is the time they realize that they are indeed different than the others. He lasted at the secondary school only about a year or so.

His direct involvement with the other world started on his 16th birthday. It was the last day of Syaaban, the eve of Ramadhan. As we are all aware, during Ramadhan, we are not disturbed by the interference and temptaions of the devils and demons (iblis dan syaitan). However they may escape from the chain if they could find a 'master'. Human who would accept them. Kareem, being a special child who do not have iman as he do not perform prayer and his ability to see the unseen makes him the target to become their 'master' or 'home'. He would accept whatever laid upon him. That was the first time he went missing under this condition. He was found wandering around nearby neighbourhood by Maghrib.

Yep, he did went missing more than once in the past. He took a ride on a bus in the morning and was handed to the police station later that night. Another ride via bus and LRT, was sent to welfare deparment the following day after the police failed to trace his originality.

The eve of Ramadhan was the beginning of a new phase in his life and our family. We could hardly go out together as a whole family unless to a relative's place. My mother once joked that thanks to him, she managed to save more - lesser time spent on shopping malls on the weekends, limits spending. She decided to opt for early retirement to take care of him as she begins to learn about the other world and how to manage its effect on him.

In this so called modern era and living in the city, we could easily dismissed the other world paralleled to ours because we could not see it. Ignorance is bliss isn't it? Once my mother asked me where have I been that day, did I perform zohor and asar prayer? Of course I did during my time outside of the house and that day I went to a site visit. Mother told me that something followed me home and surprise, my brother saw it. Subhanallah. 

Alhamdulillah the other world effect on him finally subsided, however he is no longer his old self. He was taken away that day and since then he has changed.

We take for granted our promise to Allah to be a good servant by performing our duties. The duties are demanded from us in order to protect us from being mislead during our journey from this world to the after life, the eternity.

Monday, November 12, 2012


The search for Abdul Kareem Aqmar Bin Khairazan has been officially aborted today, a week after he went missing.

It stated 6th October instead of 6th November. Boleh pulak tesalah, nampak sangat gelabah, ramai yang tak perasan. To err is human, subhanallh. Allah is the mighty god, semua yang baik dari-Nya, semua yang kurang dari manusia itu sendiri.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Bring Your Own Bottle Green Concept

BYOB Green Concept is a shop operated in USJ 9, selling cleaning products; self care, household, pets and etc.

As much as I feel guilty for not doing enough for the environment. I am not keen enough to try make my own laundry detergent and save environment and definitely some cash to save in the process.

This is an alternative I might consider. They have several outlet. Do check out their FB to find the closet shop  near you!

*I do feel guilty for not using cloth diaper (CD) religiously*

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

2012 - End of the World?

2012 - end of the world was anticipated by Mayan calender and many belive the prediction due to many previous prediction made to be 'truth' or 'related'.

The end of the world would be define by myself as the collapse of economy world due to the US economy recession. The 1920's great depression started in the US in the last century and 2012 will be the great depression of this century, hence the prediction to the end of the world made by Mayan might be true after all.

During the Great Depression, the econmist decided to take a step back and let the economy recover itself. This action might be repeated this time around. However, the current recession would blame on credit or shall I say 'riba'? 

The human race are trying to create a way of life based on trial and error instead of based on guidance from Allah and the messangers. The error we are facing are at a great amount which affect every human, not a worth error. Hence, it would be best to live the life based on guidance from Allah. wasalam.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Home Made Bread

I came across various sites which recommended to do bread yourself. I picked the one with the most basic recipe to try out. It definitely much cheaper than store bought bread and the taste? I have to admit, I managed to try 3 times with little success every time T_T

Since the ingredients are easily obtained, my 'success' would not dampen my spirit to try out again and again - how many agains, I am yet to find out. *Owh Zaiem, please give me your recipe for me to try out. The out which requires no or very little kneading please.*

Looks can be deceiving.

Its hard! Like an Italian bread and needs more salt!

Look closer.

I will try again definitely. In a home of 2 adults, a loaf of store bought bread could last till it begins to form a home for microbes. If I were to make one with success, I can have a loft perfect for 2 without contributing any leftovers to the dustbin or making breadcrumbs (wish I could have the energy to do some before it begins to rot).

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Islamic Loan

I listen to 3 different radio station daily - BFM (89.9) HotFM (97.6) and IKIM (91.5).

Each provides different gendre for different part of the day as the segment differes according to my daily routine. The Breakfast Grill will interact with heads from various business background which I listen to during my way to the office after droping the boys. HotFM plays songs through out the day hence it would not distract me from doing work while I am in the office.

IKIM carries talk show which I listen to during my journey from the office to collect the boys. IKIM segment differs every day, from being a professional muslim on Mondays, family issues on Tuesdays, financial matters on Wednesday, interaction with a mualaf on Thursday and Fiqah on Fridays.

Recently, I feel distrubed after listening to their financial segments. This segment provides a guideline on how to manage financial matters based on hadith and sunnah. It really makes me think twice on currents conventional loan we have. Perlu beralih arah nampaknya. Maybe I should consider to have an Al Rajhi bank account. Kat area office ni ada lebih 10 bank tapi Al Rajhi is not one of it.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Bantal Kekabu (Kapok Pillow)

Finally! I finally managed to finished the pillow project. Only a pillow, one, uno but it took me yearsss to finished it. LOL. Simply because I do not want any debris remain in the kekabu.

The materials I used:
- cotton fabric
- kapok
plus of course sewing machine and a pair of scissors

The kekabu was sold at RM 12/kg - mind you that was few years back =p

The half filled pillow.

And of course the final product.

I managed to have this 1 pillow (50cm x 80cm) and another 2 small (very small ones) for the boys (I have no intention of showing it here as its already stained with designs of 'maps' from many forms of liquid) with some extras.

Yeah 1kg only gets you a pillow but the cost is only like RM 15 with the material (even trough it took me years to finish it).

Duck feather pillow could easily fetch RM50 and that is during sale plus kekabu is much better to rest your head on than polyester.

Monday, January 16, 2012

epoxy paint anyone?

Turned few other powder milk cans into storage containers with my darling's help - detail in this post,

... and further to the first attempt, the subsequent attempt.

He seems keen on spraying other products too. Other products which fall into similar category is acceptable for beginners, ni tidak, dia mau try product ini when i showed him this:

Its epoxy for appliances. I asked him, 'what do you plan to paint it on? fridge?'. En. suami, agak terlalu ambitious mungkin. Someday dear, someday.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Welcome 2012

happy new year

I noticed that I have few posts which falls into home improvement - frugal living category, since its new year, I simply decided to create another blog for the related home improvement and frugal living category. Named mod-living : moderate or modest as we Muslim should be practicing in every single aspect of daily living. *should have created it during maal hijrah not new year =p *