Thursday, December 26, 2013

10 Financial Books in 2013

1. Wang Anda dan Islam - Ustaz Zaharuddin

2. Smart Women Finish Rich - David Bach

3. Fight for Your Money - David Bach

4. Your Money or Your Life - Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez

5. Teaching Your Kids About Money - K.C. Lau and Amy Sepagal

6. Cukup Wang Hati Tenang untuk Semua - Hajah Rohani Datuk Haji Mohd Shahir

7. Langsaikan Pinjaman Perumahan Anda dalam Tempoh 5 Tahun atau Kurang - Azizi Ali

8. Nice Girls Don't Get Rich: 75 Avoidable Mistakes Women Make with Money- Lois P. Frankel

9. The Savvy Woman's Guid to Financial Freedom- Susan Hayes

I thought I read 10 publications, it was only 9 books.

The selection of reading materials is based on this:
1. Islamic finance - personal not economic point of view
2. Based on my frequent visit to
3. Different ideas on handling personal financial matters

1. Islamic finance - personal not economic point of view
My major source of information is the world wide web. Once one start reading, there are too much of information that a layman like me finds overwhelm.  The best way to tackle it for me through Islamic finance.  Insya-allah it provides me a base guide on which instrument to follow (investment, saving, spending and etc.) provided Allah s.w.t. could also grant pahala - amin.

Furthermore, most of the reading material focuses on economy and not on personal, finding the one that suit my desire is a bit of a challenge. I am still hoping to read more on this.

2. Based on my frequent visit to
Currently, this is one of my top reading sites that I referred to. It provides a general understanding in finance covering all aspect of life without being biased. Most other sites tend to focus on their method of financial success. Its good, but not everyone are created equal - a method works for a man might not work for his friends. I am yet to discover the method which suits me, hence reading this site gives a blanket to all instruments.

3. Different ideas on handling personal financial matters
Similar to the www - books provide a method that is focusing one that the author successfully tested. Different writers, different methods, different point of view. As I am yet to find a method/s which tailored for me, having a wide reading materials gives insight to many financial tools is a great way.

So, for the new year, I wish to read more on item 1 (besides chic lit, parenting and biography) and more on local authors i.e. financial matters related to Malaysians.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

PTPTN Study Loan

Since its launch on October 2012 I have been praying I would have saved enough to make full settlement and earn the 20% rebate offered. Alhamdulillah, I managed. I paid off in full earlier this month.

Reading The Simple Dollar by Mr. Trent Hamm helps in a way to find the courage to settle the debt. The 'Can I Really Afford This' lingers at the back of my mind. Even until now. The extra few zeros in case of emergency is no longer sitting in the bank account.

This encourage me to further settle my other debts including mortgage. Especially after reading few articles by Ustaz Zaharuddin.

Keadaan umat Islam menjadi memilukan apabila, aktiviti berhutang menjadi asas kehidupan masyarakat hari ini, ia mungkin tidak pelik bagi mereka yang tidak berkemampuan, tetapi ia telah menjadi kaedah dan teknik yang terbaik (sebagaimana didakwa) bagi mencapai keuntungan dan mengekalkan kekayaan sesebuah syarikat atau individu. Sila rujuk
Maka lahirlah ramai individu yang berkemampuan untuk membuat pembayaran secara tunai, tetapi masih lagi suka berhutang dalam membeli kereta dan rumah. Hujah mereka mudah sahaja dalam hal ini, iaitu jika bayar tunai maka kita akan RUGI, RUGI dan RUGI. Inilah satu fenomena kurang sihat yang telah di anggap sihat oleh masyarakat hari ini.  Ia berpunca daripada kurangnya maklumat berkenaan bahaya hutang dalam keadaan berkemampuan. 

I considered to hold on my assets as investment tool. In actual fact I could sell it off to reduce the mortgages. Not to mention, refinancing has become another form of lifestyle tool to earn instant cash.

It really got me thinking hard. Am I being too attached to the things worldly possession Allah lent as trust and to test? Am I still going to behave according to the great Prophet guidance once being granted with more worldly possessions? Am I seeking more luxury while I do have enough and there are others who are barely making ends met?

Further in the article by the Ustaz,

Ya Allah, aku berlindung dari kekufuran dan hutang, Mendengar itu seseorang bertanya, " Apakah engkau menyamakan kekeufuran dengan hutang wahai Rasulullah ? ; " Benar " Jawab Rasulullah" ( Riwayat An-Nasaie, 2/316 ; Ahmad , 3/38 ; Al-Hakim berkata Sohih dan disepakati oleh Az-Zahabi; Menurut Albani : Dhoif )

Regardless one on debt due to one ability or otherwise to make the payment, one still in line with kufur if he/she are still in debt.

We are here in this world as servant, to perform every movement the way to please the master. We are at the period of end of the world. One of the biggest challenge being in this period is worldly possession. Unlike the previous ummah, the trials faced by them among other is in form of earth disaster which leads to starvation. We are being tested with having too much of all and yet still wanting more. 

As long as we are still hardworking, we should be grateful for the rezeki halal granted.

I am writing this merely to remind myself the purpose of my presence in this world own by Allah as his servant and at the same time, as a khalifah.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

552sqft Flat

Alhamdulillah, the unit procured last year, 12 days away till it became 1 year old, finally settled. We totally outsource the renovation works. None by us. We did consider to do part of it by ourselves to reduce the cost but it seems to be a distant dream. We need to ensure minimal disturb to our monthly cash flow, hence outsourcing it would be the fastest way - the fastest being 1 year process not to mention a costly affair (T_T)

Let's have the before and after photo feast of each area starting from the Hall.

Thankfully the tiles are free BUT we had to add 136 pieces i.e. not similar to the free tiles colour scheme *sadis*
A hard lesson learnt definitely but the free 400+ pieces required 2 trips from the site and additional pieces will require another trip. Not to mention loading and unloading it to the 2nd floor of the property!

The cheap vinyl replaced with tiles makes the room looks bigger - green vs cream.

The sink replaced with counter top and new basin, this eats 15% of the total upgrading cost. 

A cleaned yard from any debris with a fresh coat of paint makes it look so much better.

I roamed through all the 'Before' picture but could not find any showing Bedroom 1. The door is closed - I don't remember hiding anything in that room except debris from the previous tenant which he removed after we request him to do so.

Only the 'After' shoots.

This picture do not do justice as the tiles are not shown. The location where the tiles are living 'harmoniously' despite their colour and background differences.

That's about it. Alhamdulillah its settled for the time being. We are eyeing another 2 properties at the moment. Which ever we might end up with, I pray that it would be the best decision made upon guidance from the Almighty. Amin.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Monday, March 18, 2013

12 Rabiul Awal

We are living on this earth, which was created as a bridge to the afterlife. We are here only for a brief period compared to the eternity. Our place in the hereafter is uncertain, all depends on our performance in this world.

There are seven levels of heavens. Where will we be? I would be very lucky to enter the lowest of the seven heavens. Even if the prophet is on the highest level. How high will the highest level be? Even the earth and the sky distance are beyond our reach. The gap between the lowest heaven and the highest heaven is beyond our ability to imagine.

Currently I am residing approximately 5 hours away from Medina, where the great prophet is buried. If I am given the opportunity to perform Umrah or hajj, then probably that moment will be the moment I be the closest to the great prophet.

I am writing this partly because it has been in my mind since past 12 Rabiul Awal and only recently I managed to register my turn to perform hajj. So until 2059 (my turn to perform hajj, almost half a century till the day come) or if I ever given the chance to perform Umrah, currently - 5 hours away is probably the closest distance I will ever be with the great prophet.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

An-Nahl : The Bee

Approximately 18 months after I read surah An-Nahl and was guided by Allah to procure deeper knowledge on the bee, we finally had the opportunity to physically start our step in the bee keeping.

Hubby attended a course on bee keeping last weekend conducted by Carambola Bee Farm.

An interesting venture which we are seriously considering at the moment.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Missing: Part 4

Tuesday (1 Muharam 1434 / 15 November 2012)
There are people who thought we have given up hope to find him. Well, everybody entitle to their opinion. As for us, we have searched high (that mid night mega search hubby went up Gasing Hill to accompany his FIL - my father) and low for Kareem.

As for us, we have searched until we are truly satisfied, based on guidance from Allah through reliable soruces, people who we trust. Whom helped without my parents' knowledge; they are the one who contacted my parents, providing information without being asked to. People who expect nothing in return except for having Kareem safely back home. Few even asked to meet Kareem when he has been found, the special boy who they wish to help. Helping Kareem tru guidance on how to manage the unseen which he could see.

For those who still wants to find Kareem, they insist my mother that Kareem is 'seen' being taken care off in a good condition. He is healthy and we should continue search for him. Well again, everbody entitle to their opinion. Some has limit on what the could see, Kareem is doing fine and well - that's it. For my mother he is well, fine, in good condition and being taken care off by Allah because he has reached the paradise. Why would we need to continue the hunt if he is well?

There are those who said he has passed on, yes that is true, passed on tru another life, the eternity. Apakah nasib kita di sana nanti? He is good and well, what about us? Paradise is no guarantee as we are not as special as he is. That's why they are reffered to as special, they are special, the ones who are premitted to enter paradise without questions being asked by Mungkar Nangkir, no waiting time in Alam Barzah for the world to end or go tru Mizan.

Well, Bazlina's sister was told by a man Kareem is well and he was taken away by riding a lorry. See? He got it all, the transportation that he enjoys. It it no guarantee that we would be flying to paradise in a Boeing, rocket or crawling.

While father had vision Kareem was riding a double-decker bus in the flash, I did mention in previous post that when he went missing before he took a ride on a bus. Yes he enjoy bus rides and other large vehicle, lorry, airplance, truck, etc. Well, a ride on a DOUBLE DECKER bus shows a DOUBLE happiness ain't it?

Maka, dia sudah lepas. Apakah pula nasib kita nanti?

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Missing: Part 3

Sunday (11th November 2012)
Today, most of the participants of yesterday's mega search has other duties to attend to while others who decided to join are doing so at their own pace.

Mother must have started her search after Subuh, we did not see her even when we left the house after breakfast.

Another few rounds the places he was seen and surrounding areas. Around noon, FIL called hubby before informing the 'orang kampung' that Kareem is yet to be found. The man was shocked and told us that he will keep us updated with any 'findings'.

We all took a nap at home that noon and keep updated with my mother. Mother said she decided to trace Kareem's walkabout starting from the spot he was last seen. She walks for few kilometers and will continue that evening. Zikir words kept her going and the winds provide directions to every turning that she decided to take and any wrong turning will sent her burping. Sounds cheesy - the winds provides direction, go with the wind. Subhanallah, the Almighty was with every step.

Further the nasi lemak seller informed mother that another solat hajat and doa selamat session was held in the morning. The 'findings' from previous solat hajat was Kareem in a weak condition. While today, Kareem is in a very weak condition.

We (me, hubby and the boys) had another round at an adjacent commercial area from he was last seen that evening. When we almost reach home, mother called, asking us to fetch her from a petrol station, she saw us drive passed her. She needs a ride home after hours on the feet. She probably walked for more than 10km.

That night the 'orang kampung' called. He said Kareem is being hidden, he would pray for Kareem to be released but it still upon god's will. The occurance that Kareem was 'hidden' instead of being taken care of not by our kind did not cross his mind when he 'traced' Kareem on Friday night. Again, the guy reminded that Monday will marked as the seventh day Kareem was missing, slimmer chance for any assistance from him to bear any fruit.

Monday (12th November 2012)
A week since he was last seen and we went to work as usual. Mother continued her walk early, again we did not meet her before she left the house.

When I meet her at home after work, watering the plant, I casually asked on her search for the day. She went to Kajang for Zohor after she finished her walk and ride by the car which took her to a private hospital in Puchong. When every turn will end her in front of the hospital. As the hospital not far away from Kajang, she went there to update my grandparents. For her, its a sign that Kareem either in a hospital or he is in a critical condition which requires medical assistance or simply it is an association to death.

After Zohor she no longer feels any desire or urge to continue the search. She has been staying at home since then.

Tuesday (13th November 2012)
The eighth day he went missing and today is Deepavali. Lucky us living in Malaysia, plenty of public holiday. So the search would not effect our annual leave if it were to continue it today. My aunt, mother's sister visited us early that morning. She is a teacher, so she teach. Well a lecturer gives lecture and she too was giving one instead of teaching.

She prayed solat hajat every night since Kareem went missing while my mother also did that besides after every solat wajib. Eventually after about an hour after lecturing, she said in her dream last night, she had images of a body being carried in a black canvas while another man holding an umbrella for the remaining. Kareem is no longer alive.

Then mother said, it (the death) happend the day before with the signs (hospital and the lost urge to search). Further, when mother went out of bathroom on the previous evening, instead of any smell of detergent, septic or any that relate to the bathroom, she sense the smell of kemenyan or burning of dry cocanut. The previous night, it was a hot day but she felt so cold that she needs to cover herself with additional layer of clothing and a blanket. Sign that the body no longer produce any heat - stone cold, cold as the dead.

That noon hubby urge me for another round of search, so off we went to the places we already visited to ease the desire to hunt. I am with my mother, no longer the need to search. So when I was questioned by hubby where next? No more searching of course. We probably had enough search missions that I feel the need to recharge and decided to go for a stroll in the KLCC park. Iskadar had a splashing time at the paddling pool at the park. After days raiding in the car, he too deserve a break. He has been good.

When we reach home, mother was still at home. Well it feels strange to me that for the past few days she would go out early in the morning and be back only by dusk compared to staying at home. She was mourning I guess, praying and zikir to get it over. Mourn for a lost but without any remaining as proof of lost. Disappear into the thin air lost.

The 'orang kampung' called hubby that everning to advice for another mega search that night between 11pm to 3am. That night was the first time mother spoke to the 'orang kampung'. He explained the procedure to mother, the search will begain at the last spot Kareem was seen and a person need to stay (anchor) while the other conduct the hunt. The mission will be held while he perform solat hajat among 100 of his friends, praying for his release. As Kareem is not far away, his remains should be found during this period or a flash of Kareem will appear indicating the end of the expidition.

Half of the Saturday mega search turned up, the following day was a school day and it was a mid night search. We are greatful enough with the turn outs of approximately 10 cars and Bazlina's parents on the bike. Off they went while I stayed with the boys. Hubby was home after 2am, well he should spent another hour searching. I felt distrubed, I could not join the search and yet he was home early!!! Ini tidak adil. Urggghhhh. Lucky him I was drowsy, so I only asked are there any sign? No sight of him :,(
Wednesday (14th November 2012)
When I asked mother in the morning on yesterday's outcome, she said that she stayed anchor at the position accompanied by my grandfather. After my father sent hubby home, father joined mother at the location, sleeping. Approximately after 3am, he was awaken by an image of Kareem riding a double decker bus. That was the first sign my father had on Kareem since mother had plenty and he had none.

That morning another search was held to find the body. Off we went around 9am after everybody who decided to participate was gathered. Well hubby went to work while I joined the search in my aunt's car after sending off the boys.

Around 10am hubby texted: the 'orang kampung' advice us to have a tahlil since it has been more than a week. Mother thought if an image flash, it indicates that the body will be found. The actual fact is you only gotta see the image, not him in flesh as he would not be release. I was not riding with my parents, so when we reach home I showed my parents the text, tahlil will be conducted that night. The following day was maal hijrah 1434, quite a number of turn ups for the tahlil.

Since there was no body, mother was questioned on the decision to perform tahlil. It kinda irritates me, we are mourning for god's sake, whats with the questions? Questions on the event is fine, but questions on the tahlil?

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Missing: Part 2

Wednesday (7th November 2012)
Malam pertama hilang - alar bukan kali pertama. I was sound asleep waking up the next morning ready for work and daily routine. I strongly belief he will be back by the evening, the following day at the most. The first 24-48 hours are still reasonable time to allow the police force to their work without having to feel too disturbed. I remind my mother to check at JKM as that was the next step she took during previous occasions. However she was hesitate, saying no one would bother to send him to JKM or the police as he is no longer a child.

When I reached home after work, there was still no news on his where about. Mother said she called the lady who helped to ’trace’ him the day before and was told that he was not far from the location he was last seen. That lady helped to find our cousin’s husband a few weeks earlier when he failed to fetch his wife from LRT station after work. The lady said her husband was arrested, turns out to be true. He was kidnapped over night and was instructed to steal from his office in the morning. That was another story all together. Conclusion: she is a reliable source. Our family had doa selamat on the second night, praying he is in well condition.

Thursday (8th November)
The third day was still a routine for me. As for my parents, my uncle and my cousin’s husband (the one who was kidnapped, he was still on leave), they are still conducting daily search since the minute he was last seen. Taking different route, going around in pairs, keeping lookout at anywhere we assume he would go to. However on the third day, my father started going on motorcycle with my unlce. Since Kareem is on foot, he might go to routes which could be access not by 4 wheel vehical.

My father speculate that he might have take public transport and no longer in the area. However mother dismissed the idea as he has no money with him. That morning, I made a few stops around the neighbourhood to distribute flyers (7-11, nearby shops and mosque) before went back to the office.

Friday (9th November)
The fourth day, again I went to work as usual. An article on Kareem disapperance appeared in few local newspapers.

Hubby called from work before 10am saying that a man from his hometown managed to trace Kareem's location upon FIL request for help. He is either 3km North or 3km South. He is not staying in put, he keeps on walking, the reason why it was hard to trace his location. According to that man he is under good care however he asked: why didn't Kareem reply when he was asked where is his house? He could not go home as he could not answer where his house is. Then only the man knew kareem is a special boy. It is just a matter of time when we would find him and he could help only within 7 days from the day he went missing. Otherwise it would become harder for him to trace Kareem.

I went home around 11am that morning while hubby reached home after solat Jumaat. While waiting for him to get back, I did distributed some flyers around the neighbourhood (3km North, 3km South). After solat Jumaat we aimed for houses under construction as we assumed he is under care by someone who would not hand him to the authority as it would cause them trouble i.e. foreign workers. They meant well but they would not risk their life. Hubby assume he is under care by elderly who are caring but unable to bring him to the authority as the elderly has no access to go too far. We went wandering until Asar and perform prayer at home.

Later that evening we are about to fetch the boys from the bs’s house. I asked my mother what shall I get for dinner. She said Ani Soup while father said Ayamas. We still have the Ayamas cupons which valid only till end of the year so we decided not to go to Ani Soup in Sri Manja.

Few minutes after we reached home with the boys and dinner in hand, mother received a phone call from the rukun tetangga. A man saw Kareem’s poster at neighbouring petrol station confirming that he saw saw Kareem on Wednesday as Kareem asked for nasi lemak. He is a nasi lemak seller in Sri Manja. Kareem perform sign language indicating he wants some food which his 8 year old boy gave Kareem with a bottle of water before Kareem left after finishing the meal.

How would not know Kareem is a missing person if he did not see the poster. It was 2 days too late. If Kareem steals instead of asking for food, he would have been arrested and sent to police wouldn’t he? Then he would be found; easily.

Mother left right after Magrib to go to the spot he was last seen. It was raining that evening and so was for the last few days. End of the year is raining season ain' it? When mother get home she reported that Kareem was seen in front of a clinic not far away from the nasi lemak stall that evening, waiting for the rain to stop. Our relatives joined the search till around midnight to no avail.

Saturday (10th November)
A big search comprising of family and friends begain approximately at 8.30am from a Petronas station, nearby to the nasi lemak stall. Around 5 cars gathered and begain the search. My dear friends (Hazwani and Bazlina) joined a lil later. Other relatives who lives further also armed the forces afterwards. At 10am, me and hubby decided to stop for breakfast while texting the others, asking for updates and whereabouts.

We stopped at 7-11s, newspaper stall, houses under renovations, any possible spots Kareem might have go to. Even most nasi lemak stall already put up Kareem's poster - saving us time to ask them, the nasi lemak seller are allied together we assume. By noon, when we stop at any convience store or petrol kiosk, we would see his poster - somebody else has actively participate in the search.

I made hubby go to KESAS from the Sri Manja exit. We went all direction, to Sri Petaling, to Puchong and to Sunway. We distributed the posters to toll both, petrol station along the highway and at the R&R.

We were back at home around noon to allow the boys to get proper nap. Mother was home when we go back around noon. When we updated each other, she said that the lady who trace Kareem also sense his appearance on Friday night and what's more, he is not very far away.

Mother bought chicken dish from the nasi lemak seller. The seller told mother he organised a solat hajat and doa selamat session that morning at an orphan's home in Puchong.

After Asar, we made few rounds around the places we have been to and also a stop at KTM station, distribute flyers at the station. We retreat home after tapau Ramli burger before Maghrib.

Monday, January 7, 2013


Dengan Nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Mengasihani

Tiga tempat duduk percuma diberi,
Kalau tak mencuba saya yang rugi,
Kenapa saya perlu pergi?
Sambunglah baca tanpa henti.

1. Suami sudah, giliran saya pula
April tahun lepas saya belanja suami ke Seminar Jutawan Hartanah kerana anak kedua kami baru empat bulan usianya, rasa tak sampai hati ditinggal sendiri. Tunggu suami belanja, mungkin dia keberatan sebab tak nak bagi saya tinggalkan anak 13 bulan berdikari. Kalau percuma, mesti dia lebih rela dengan senang hati.

2. Malu bertanya sesat jalan
Saya sediakan senarai soalan untuk ditanya ketika seminar tapi boleh pulak tertinggal oleh suami. Nampak sangat saya yang perlu bertanya En. Shafie sendiri.

3. Rumah lelong sudah dibeli
Bulan Mei lepas kami membida, suami layankan saja sebab duit sendiri. Tapi bila dah tak cukup modal mesti lah kene mintak suami tong tong sama jadikan milik kami. Nak renovate belum ada wang lagi. Sudahnya pergi ke construction site kutip tiles 2 kali. Alhamdulillah dapat la 400+ keping size sekaki. Tapi usaha masih tergantung tak bertali. Apabila ada rezeki ke seminar dan berinteraksi, mesti dapat motivasi dan inspirasi.

4. Menuntut ilmu
Menuntut ilmu hingga ke China, namun tidak ke China ilmu masih perlu dicari walau hanya ke Bangi. Adab menuntut ilmu perlu berguru agar lebih diberkati. Saya pun mau masuk grup alumni.

5. Kebebasan kewangan
Wang bukan segalanya tapi segalanya perlu wang, itu yang pasti. Peluang ke Seminar Jutawan ini diharap dapat membuka satu lagi pintu rezeki kurniaan Ilahi.

Berpantun sudah, berseloka pun telah,
Apa lagi En. Shafie? saya la pemenang yg dicari.

Pembaca blog En. Shafie Bustan sejak 2009.

Sunday, January 6, 2013


This year I decided to follow one of Trent's Money Rule upon reading his 365 Ways to Live Cheap (Revisit) series through out 2012 on saving. Yup he provided 365 ways on how to do it and I decided to prioritise only 1 of it which is - score for every dollar saved from discounts. I do not intend to follow religously as my intention is to ensure I do saving from the discounted items.

All this while I do seach for bargain. However this year I would follow the rule to score the saved dollar to a saving instead of spending the save on other item. To date I have managed to save approximately RM13 and its only the sixth day of the year! Pat in the back. Woot woot.

I have been applying few other Trent's tricks on spending i.e. the '10 second rule', '1 month rule' and '1 hour research for every $100 to be spent on an item'. I found these rules are a big help in avoiding temptations, making me being more sensible when making decision before any purchase. I am not devoated to it tho, mostly it assist me to be a moderate when it comes to spending and allows me to stretch my ringgit.

Another financial resolution is to be diligant in keeping my book, updating every single cent spent. I have been doing it for close to five (5) years. That long and yet I failed to sum it annually. I would normally feel discourage once I realized I spent more than my earnings. I trully break the 'spent less than you earn' rule. Its really dishearthening to see the negative figures. I would only feel encourge to jot the daily expenses if I managed to see a positive figure at then end of the month or I would feel useless doing it.

So this year, I pray hard that I would be able to save tru the above mentioned method, spend according to the rule as basis and monitor my spending by proper book keeping for a po$itive future outlook. Amin.